Commercial auto insurance protects businesses from asset loss in the event of an accident. This kind of insurance can cover a fleet of commercial vehicles or an employee who drives his or her personal vehicle for business reasons. It is not too different from private auto insurance; rather than an individual being covered the business is the policyholder.
Commercial auto insurance will cover the insured vehicle in the event of physical damage, with the additional offer of liability coverage. This kind of policy covers any auto that serves a business purpose. Business owners are well-served in obtaining commercial auto coverage as any car utilized frequently for business purposes poses a high risk for an accident in which personal injury or property damage can occur.
Any company that utilizes an auto for the purpose of business can greatly benefit from this insurance coverage. Even a self-employed individual or a business comprised of only a few employees will be helped by this type of policy. Commercial auto insurance applies to any situation where a motor vehicle serves a purpose for a business of any size, and is a smart move for the owner(s).
Should the automobile have mechanical failure, or if someone were to steal it, or in the event of some other kinds of covered damage to the vehicle, having no insurance could really mess with the bottom line. If a business specializes in hauling things, like a moving service, having even one truck out of service can wreak havoc on revenue. It also is vital to have coverage that protects the employees who drive the company vehicles.
A normal auto insurance policy is quite different from a commercial one. A normal auto policy covers the usual driving habits of a policyholder, whereas a commercial policy covers a car for business purposes in which there is a much higher risk for mishaps. A car used for business purposes has a higher risk of accidents simply because it is assumed to get far more use than a private vehicle would.
It is assumed that business owners have different requirements for coverage than a normal person so commercial auto insurance is tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses. For example, the policy for a floral delivery company with 3 vans would be far different than a policy for a huge enterprise with a fleet of semi-trucks.
No matter the kind of business, if an automobile is used in its service then commercial auto insurance is a wise choice.